Looking to revitalize its community, Manor Road United Church embarked on a redevelopment project that would allow the building to remain a place of worship, while also becoming a community hub. The building was reduced by half - with the demolished church hall land becoming a city park. The remaining church proper was renovated with multi-purpose use in mind. New meeting rooms and sliding glass doors in the main space allow for multiple functions, while the lower level has been converted into a licensed daycare.
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Wanting to serve its community the best it can, Glenview embarked on a project to provide full accessibility to its facility, by adding new barrier free walkways, a new elevator and upgrading its washrooms. With the limestone-clad elevator shaft as a defining vertical element, and a surrounding glass box, the new elevator lobby also serves at the building’s new clearly defined main entrance. The entry point emphasizes the heritage aspects of the facade, as the transparency allows visitors to appreciate the stained glass windows, articulated stone coping and sandstone cladding that are now situated in the lobby space. This project was done in conjunction with Davidson Langley Incorporated Architects.
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This private school has limited green space, with the vast majority of the site being occupied by parking. Since the school also owns the adjacent property - a site with a vacant two storey building - they are taking the opportunity to improve the play area for students by demolishing the building and redeveloping the entire site into a 3,000 m2 playground. Construction for this project is scheduled for spring 2020. Images credit - Serdika Consulting Inc.
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This 1 ½ storey, 2 bedroom house was transformed into a 2 storey, 4 bedroom home. On the interior, there was a conscious effort to bring light to the middle of the house using a large skylight over the floating stairs. On the exterior, careful attention was made to integrate the existing with the new. Salvaged bricks from demolished walls were relocated to the front façade for a homogeneous look. The result is a house that is modern, with a nod to its 100 year roots.
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We are proud to call the Toronto Catholic District School Board a repeat client, with the successful completion of over 50 projects. Our work has included new classrooms, accessible washrooms, Full Day Kindergarten upgrades, playground upgrades, auditorium seating, stage flooring, building code analysis and design studies. We have been able to efficiently meet the tight schedules associated with completing construction during the 2 month school summer shut-down.
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